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Modding Experience

Black Ops 3

Treyarch released modding tools for their game, Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 in 2016. As someone who had a bit of modding experience in Call of Duty: World at War, I jumped on. I did this for much of my high school years, and this is where I really learned how to code and script (via the Call of Duty scripting language, GSC). GSC is a strange amalgamation of languages like Java, C#, and C++ but it taught me basic coding skills like functions, conditionals, and loops, all while directly connecting to the 3D mapping environment I was working on, which is an interesting way to learn coding for sure.


July 2019

cataclysm cover image.png

April 2018

Cataclysm Videos

Cataclysm Videos

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July 2018

Afterbirth was the last solo project I made for Black Ops 3 zombies. The map is actually a remake of an old WaW map I made called Rebirth, which was inspired by the game The Binding of Isaac: Rebirth, which is a remake of the flash game the Binding of Isaac, which is... a great game. This map looks quite funny, as it is a re-imagination of a 2D pixel-art game brought into the Call of Duty 3D mapping software. I got most of the textures I used from taking screenshots of The Binding of Isaac and manipulating them. While I know the map is not as much of a looker as the other maps created to feel realistic, it was very interesting to create The Binding of Isaac's environment in 3D and I personally believe the gameplay came out to feel really fun and replayable. Like the game that the map was an homage to, I used lots of randomized loot elements to make it feel roguelike, and incorporated choice in having two different questlines one can complete (Evil/Satanic or Good/Holy), just like in the original game.


November 2017

Frostbite Videos

Frostbite Videos

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March 2017

Sandstorm was my first Black Ops 3 zombies map. Though I had some experience modding Call of Duty: World at War, this was a big jump in the tools (WaW came out in 2008, Black Ops 3 came out in 2015). I actually was doing this map as part of the IB (International Baccalaureate) Personal Project in my sophomore year of high school so I documented my progress along the way.

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