Cataclysm is a Call of Duty: Black Ops 3 custom zombies map project led by Psh. This map is by far the largest custom map I have worked on, or even seen. There are so many areas to explore, and my goal as a scripter was to add interesting features and functionality to give the massive places for meaning.

My main contribution to the map was the scripting of the main quest line that players can complete in order to beat the map. This questline has a series of different steps that require the players explore the map, complete difficult challenges, and survive a deadly boss fight while the map burns around them.
In the video above you can a see a walkthrough of all the steps in the main quest. In addition to the main quest, I made two custom perk machines, and scripted other neat features like a plane that flies by and drops bonus powerups randomly. This map was fun to work on, and very hard to beat!